Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Us! 4 Years!

Jason and I meet on in October 2003. We wrote back and forth and then talked on the phone all day and night and both got the biggest phone bills ever! Jason beat me a couple hundred! We finally decided to get together for New Years and I ended up driving out to Utah. It was the scariest drive ever in my little eclipse in the snow. I even had to put snow chains on all by my self and broke a nail. Soo tragic! When I pulled up to his house he was sitting on his tail gate with three beautiful pink roses. He wanted to show me around so we went to Wendy's for dinner (which is still out favorite) and he did donuts in the parking lot. I think that was just so I would hold on to him! Of course that was the best New Years ever; I got a New Years Kiss from the greatest guy I had ever met. From then on we traveled back and forth from Utah and Cali. Basically working for the next plane ticket. Jason proposed on Lake Tahoe on Feb. 7th. Even though we only knew eachother for eight months before getting married it was like we had known eachother forever. Our lives where so similar yet so far apart it was amazing to finally meet my match. I think we were both shocked how well we got along and how amazing we made eachother feel. I knew we could work through anything and be BEST FRIENDS FOREVER.

Thoughout these past four years we have been through more than enough trials and tests. It seems like nothing comes easy in the real world. Altogether we have survived a lot and have grown closer together from it. All I can say is that where ever I go and whatever I do I will always want Jason by my side. He is the most supportive and wonderful husband and Daddy I could ever be blessed with.

Jason and Maggie Jaussi
July 17, 2004
Married in the Oakland Temple



Happy Belated Anniversary & CONGRADULATIONS!!! It is awesome to have your bestest friend forever to go through everything is really is never ending, but there are so many happy, wonderful times too! It is really amazing how those hard times bring us closer together...I love it!

Our little corner said...

awwww! Happy Anniversary! I love reading about true love stories :) You have the best one!

Paul and Suzy said...

Happy Anniversary you guys! I am so excited to find your blog! Hope all is well in Idaho!